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Morning session 9am - 12 noon =£16.20

Afternoon session 12 noon - 3 pm = £16.20

This breaks down into £5.40 per hour plus a 30p snack charge for each sessions attended


Fees Policy 

We ask for payment during each half term (see fees policy for more information)

If your child has missed a session for any reason, payment is still required.

We accept government funding for children aged 3 + 4. We also accept children who are entitled to receive 2 year old government funding. 

We will need to see the child's birth certificate as this is required by the government for all funded places.

Download our registration form here .



Terms and C​onditions 

When your child starts their time with us at Tiny Feet, we will ask you to fill in a registration form. We will not ask for a fee at the time of booking, but we do ask however for fees to be paid on time. We are a small preschool and rely totally on fees and funding to keep it running.  

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